New Plants In-Stock for Summer!

Our Garden Center is poppin' off right now!

We have a grand assortment of plants! From mounted neoregelia to the dramatic flaming sword... Come by Crest and head out back to our 5,000 SF Garden Center, we've got you covered!

Bromeliads galore! Chinese Money Plants! Staghorn Ferns! All of these will make that perfect & unique gift when visiting friends and fam. We've got plants for indoors and outdoors, so don't forget to spruce up your own apartment with a few colorful selections for the Summer season.

We also have ceramic pots and planters to go with your new plants! Each with its own interesting design, including geometric shapes and an assortment of colors and textures.

If you have any questions about plant care & maintenance, please feel free to chat up our friendly Garden Center staff, they're here to help!

Throwback Thursday

Here's a picture from 2007, the year we officially broke ground in creating our now 5000 SF Urban Garden Center. 

Circa 2007

Circa 2007

We spent a good amount of time clearing out the area, pulling up roots and laying out the framework for our vision. It took a few years before we were able to build the garden center to what it is today, but memories like these remind us how it all started.